Migrating a Warehouse Application from C# to Elixir


In the dynamic and demanding context of warehouse operations, efficiency and responsiveness are paramount. With the growth in demand and the emergence of more advanced technologies, many companies are reassessing their technological solutions to ensure they meet the challenge. In this lecture proposal, we will dive into the journey of an organization that chose to migrate its warehouse application from C# to Elixir. This decision, while technical, has profound business implications, promising gains in scalability, efficiency, and resilience.

Key takeaways:

  • Contextualization: An overview of the application’s role in managing warehouse operations, emphasizing the importance of technological choice in this scenario.
  • Motivation for Change: Addressing the limitations felt with C# and why Elixir is considered a promising solution.
  • Planning and Strategy: How the migration was approached, considering the coexistence of systems, team training, and the sequence of modules to be migrated.
  • Challenges and Solutions: A candid analysis of the obstacles encountered during the migration, from integration issues to team resistance, and how these challenges were overcome.
  • Achieved Results: Presentation of tangible and intangible benefits obtained after the migration, including performance metrics, user feedback, and business impact.


  • This topic is aimed at IT leaders, software architects, developers, and logistics professionals interested in system modernization, technological innovations, and optimization of warehouse operations.

Level: Introductory and overview

Tags: Elixir, C#, Aplicações