Marc Nickert

Marc Nickert

Senior Software Engineer @

Born and raised in Berlin, Germany. Studying Computer science and do event technic and Software development. Love to dance Salsa and do sports. Marc worked on distributed system in May languages. And focused on Elixir for AI about 1.5 years ago.

Flame on Slurm HPC Cluster

In this talk, I will present Flame on SLURM Backend to run Langchain tool calling with Bumblebee. Slurm is a Cluster Management System that is used in high-performance computing in University contexts and more. To allow users to request compute resources for scientific computation or AI training and inference. Starting with a brief introduction of what Slurm is and how to use it. Followed by an interactive Livebook session, I will present on-demand allocation of GPU resources on a Slurm Cluster in the University with Flame. With the GPU running, I present tool calling with Llama 3.1 in Elixir Langchain and Bumblebee.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to use Flame on a HPC cluster