Mackenzie Morgan

Mackenzie Morgan

Senior software engineer

After being given a couple of weeks to learn Elixir and then maintain a whole backend service with it in 2020, Mackenzie learned to love functional programming and the BEAM. Eventually, she moved from Elixir to Erlang, but she’s always itching to go back to Elixir.

Dealing With a Monster Ecto Query

Once upon a time, there was a gnarly query with a lot of OR cases. It was limiting capacity ahead of a high-traffic day. Could it be optimized? Thanks to a few features of Elixir, the answer was yes! Here’s how the Axios mobile app’s capacity increased 600% the day before the 2020 election, in defiance of the standard “push as much processing to the database as possible” advice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sometimes the “usual advice” doesn’t fit

Target Audience:

  • Anyone who deals with databases