Jakub Skałecki

Jakub Skałecki

Creator of LiveVue, Co-Founder of Postline.ai

A seasoned developer with over 12 years of experience across Python, JavaScript, and Elixir. Jakub has worn many hats - from team leader to entrepreneur. Currently, he is building Postline.ai, an AI-powered platform that heavily utilizes LiveView and LiveVue.

As the creator of LiveVue and maintainer of the Readability library, Jakub is passionate about bringing the best practices from various technologies into the Elixir ecosystem. His journey through different technologies and startups has taught them the importance of choosing the right tool for the job - and sometimes that means building the tool yourself.

Why Combining LiveView and a Frontend Library Is a Great Idea

LiveView revolutionized web development by enabling server-rendered, dynamic UI. Just, as our applications grow in complexity, we often find ourselves needing more sophisticated client-side interactions. While LiveView excels at server-driven UI, managing complex client-side state can become challenging.

This talk explores how integrating a frontend library with LiveView offers the best of both worlds: LiveView’s powerful server-side model combined with the rich ecosystem of modern frontend frameworks. Using LiveVue as a case study, we’ll demonstrate practical patterns for managing client-state, leveraging existing frontend components, and maintaining a clean architecture. You’ll learn when and how to introduce a frontend library to complement LiveView, not replace it.

Key Takeaways:

Attendees will:

  • Learn to identify when introducing a frontend library alongside LiveView makes sense
  • Understand patterns for cleanly separating server and client-side concerns
  • See practical examples of integrating Vue.js with LiveView using LiveVue
  • Gain insights into architectural decisions when mixing frameworks
  • What are the treade-offs of that approach
  • Take away practical strategies for gradually introducing frontend libraries into existing LiveView applications

Target Audience:

This talk is aimed at Elixir developers who:

  • Have experience with Phoenix LiveView
  • Are facing challenges with increasingly complex client-side interactions
  • Want to understand how to effectively combine server and client-side frameworks
  • Are interested in modernizing their LiveView applications while maintaining their existing investment
  • Have team members with Vue.js (or other frontend framework) experience